Clubs & Activities
Battle of the Books is designed to promote reading, critical thinking, and school spirit! Poquoson Middle School and Poquoson Public Library will be sponsoring the Battle of the Books program for PMS students again this year. Students read a specific set of books and learn factual information about those books. Then they compete with other students to answer quiz bowl type questions.
Team members will be selected on the basis of test and quiz scores, creating their own questions, performance at afternoon competitions, and attendance at practices.
When preparing for Battle of the Books, write at least 10 questions and answers for each of the books you read. Writing the questions near the time you read the book is recommended. Write questions and answers on 3x5 notecards, in a notebook, or word process questions on a computer and save to a computer file. Writing the page number as to where the answer can be found in the book is recommended.
Look to join the Poquoson Middle School Junior Islander Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society! Applications and details will be shared as the school year goes on!
The Student Council Association promotes leadership development, service, citizenship training, school spirit and democratic values to students at Poquoson M.S. Details about elections will be forthcoming!
Great Computer Challenge is a regional computer competition hosted by WHRO and the CII Consortium. Middle School students can compete in a variety of areas including Desktop Publishing, Desktop Presentation, Web Design, Graphic Design, Integrated Applications, Music Composition, Programming (Java), and Video Editing. Teams typically are selected in November or December time-frame and practice honing their skills until competition in March.
Students who are interested in creating a team should contact Mrs. Montalvo.
Odyssey of the Mind is an international educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Team members apply their creativity to solve problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. They then bring their solutions to competition on the local, state, and World level. Thousands of teams from throughout the U.S. and from about 25 other countries participate in the program.
The Yearbook Staff is responsible for designing, selling, and distributing our yearbook, The Bull Islander. We meet every Thursday from mid-September to mid-March. Any Poquoson Middle School student is welcome to join.
The Builders Club is sponsored by the Poquoson Kiwanis. Our meetings are right after school on selected Mondays each month, until 3:30pm in the Poquoson Middle School Library.
Each Builders Club is led by a student board.
What We Stand for: Our vision is to develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service. Members learn to work together and develop servant-leader skills as they serve their school and community.
Our Motto: Building Leaders
Projects: Our Builders Club assists the Poquoson Kiwanis with their fundraiser at the Seafood Festival and the Pig Roast in the spring. Also, the Builders Club will help the Poquoson Middle School Library with its "All for Books" project.
Membership: According to the Builders Club by-laws, any student of Poquoson Middle School who is in good standing with the Principal may join the club. Students will need to fill in the application and have a Kiwanis photography release consent form signed by a parent or guardian. As a member, you are expected to attend all meetings and participate in the scheduled activities. Arrangements are to be made for all members to be picked up by 3:30pm. An activity bus is provided to take students home.
Our Meetings: After snack and attendance, the officers will ring the bell and announce the beginning of the meeting. The first item on the agenda will be the pledge to the flag, followed by introductions, officers' reports, old business, new business and committee work.
To learn more about Kiwanis and the Builders Club, check out this website:
Poquoson Middle School Participates hosts our very own Spelling Bee and with the winner proudly representing our school in the regional WHRO Spelling Bee.